Scholarly Resources

Publications 902
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  • Journal Articles731
  • Conference / In Proceedings13
  • Books / Chapters32
  • Other126

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Top ten Profiles

Dr Madhavan Nampoothiri G Assistant Professor
Dr Srinivas Mutalik Professor
Dr Usha Y Nayak Assistant Professor
Dr Sreedhara Ranganath Pai K Professor
Mr Swapnil Jayant Dengale Assistant Professor
Dr H N K Sarma Professor
Dr S K Srivastava Professor
Dr N Debananda Singh Associate Professor
Dr Murali Dhar Associate Professor
Prof Rakesh Singh Moirangthem Associate Professor
Dr Srinivas Mutalik Professor
Dr Madhavan Nampoothiri G Assistant Professor
Dr Sreedhara Ranganath Pai K Professor
Dr Usha Y Nayak Assistant Professor
Prof Yugindro Singh Kangujam Professor
Dr Laishram Santosh Singh Associate Professor
Prof Rakesh Singh Moirangthem Associate Professor
Dr L Warjeet Singh Professor
Dr Murali Dhar Associate Professor


Recent advances in co-amorphous drug formulations...

Author: Swapnil Jayant Dengale ., Holger Grohganz ., Thomas Rades ., Korbinian Löbmann .,

Microbial assisted High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) ...

Author: Mohan, Arya J.;Sekhar, Vini C.;Bhaskar, Thallada;Nampoothiri, K. Madhavan

Characterization of an exopolysaccharide with pote...

Author: Sasidharan Vasanthakumari Dilna ., Harikumar Surya ., Ravindran Girija Aswathy ., Kontham Kulangara Varsha ., Dasappan Nair Sakthikumar ., Ashok Pandey ., Kesavan Madhavan Nampoothiri .,

2,4-Di-tert-butyl phenol as the antifungal, antiox...

Author: Varsha, Kontham Kulangara;Devendra, Leena;Shilpa, Ganesan;Priya, Sulochana;Pandey, Ashok;Nampoothiri, Kesavan Madhavan

Biocontrol and plant growth promoting activities o...

Author: Tamreihao K.;Ningthoujam D.S.;Nimaichand S.;Singh E.S.;Reena P.;Singh S.H.;Nongthomba U.

Preparation and characterization of co-amorphous R...

Author: Dengale S.;Ranjan O.;Hussen S.;Krishna B.;Musmade P.;Gautham Shenoy G.;Bhat K.

Microbial degradation of high impact polystyrene (...

Author: Sekhar, Vini C.;Nampoothiri, K. Madhavan;Mohan, Arya J.;Nair, Nimisha R.;Bhaskar, Thallada;Pandey, Ashok

Skin delivery of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)...

Author: Avadhani K.S.;Manikkath J.;Tiwari M.;Chandrasekhar M.;Godavarthi A.;Vidya S.M.;Hariharapura R.C.;Kalthur G.;Udupa N.;Mutalik S.